• Innocent III actively spread Antisemitism, he called for Christian crusades against Muslim Spain and the Holy Land, as well as the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars in southern France. During the siege of Béziers, the leader of the crusader assault famously declared upon being asked how to distinguish Cathars from Catholics at the besieged town "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius, which translates as: "Slay them all, God will recognize his own." This statement is often cited as "Kill them all and let God sort them out." One of Pope Innocent's most critical decisions was organizing the Fourth Crusade. Originally intended to attack Jerusalem, the crusaders ended up at Constantinople, where they sacked the city in 1204. Innocent accepted Christians killing Christians, seeing it as the will of God to reunite the Latin and Orthodox Churches. The Council had set the beginning of the Fifth Crusade for 1217, under the direct leadership of the Church, more killing and destruction all in the name of God. Modern Christian Romans were not very different than their Pagan Roman predecessors, might makes right and death and destruction is of little concern to those who have the power.

  • ink & acrylic paint on rag paper
    26.7 × 36.8 cm.
    | 10.5 × 14.5 in.


    ©2025 daulby-adair