• Camera Obscura, daguerreotypes, box cameras, 35mm, Kodak Brownie, Polaroids, digital, cameras and photography have changed a lot over the years. Pencils are still pencils but photography is constantly updating it’s creative capabilities. I’ve always found the creative possibilities that photography offers appealing. I started playing with the creative possibilities of film in 1970 a few years later I bought my first of many 35mm cameras, an Olympus OM-1. In 1976 an SX-70 camera became my creative muse and I carried it with me everywhere I went. Photography did not become part of my art until 1974 it was at this point that I stopped just capturing moments and began creating art with the camera. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to shoot with a number of different formats. My favorites have been 35mm, Polaroid SX-70 and today, digital Nikon’s. With photography alone or combined with digital editing I’ve produced some of my favorite images over the years. Capturing moments or creating new visuals from my photos is as exciting to me as a blank canvas. The images in this gallery have been captured using 35mm, Polaroid SX-70 and my digital Nikon’s. The Polaroids have been enlarged and some images have been digitally enhanced, most have had only dust-spots and scratches removed.